PG2: coL.Heart in GSL Code S RO32

BY Andrew Miesner / September 10, 2012

Tonight, compLexity’s star Terran player Heart will be making his debut in the GSL Code S. After a great run last season, Heart is ready to take Code S by storm. It won’t be easy though. Heart’s group includes some of the heaviest hitters in the league. Heart will be going up against NaNiwa first, then on to either Sniper or Squirtle depending on results.

This is a huge match for Heart. If he wins he’ll go on to the Round of 16. If he loses, he’ll go back down to the Round of 32 in Code A.

To see Heart play, tune into tonight at 2:10 AM PDT / 4:10 AM CDT / 5:10 AM EDT. Also be sure to send him words of encouragement via Twitter @coL_Heart.

Score 1 2 3 F
coL.Heart 1 0 1 2
NaNiwa 0 1 1
Score 1 2 3 F
coL.Heart 0 0 0
Squirtle 1 1 2
Score 1 2 3 F
coL.Heart 1 0 1 2
Sniper 0 1 1