PG2: coL.TF2 vs. Team3

BY Andrew Miesner / February 22, 2009


Tonight the tf2 squad went against Team3 on cp_gravelpit as the match tonight was going to be determined on a stop-watch map bo3. compLexity started out on Blu as the team together quickly took capped all three points setting a time for Team3 to beat. As the teams switched sides compLexity had a good defense on B as Team3 only capped A. compLexity got the first point. Once again the teams switched sides and coL was red as Team3 had to set a time for compLexity to beat later on in the game. Team3 capped two points in 5:44 on Blu and the round came to an end. Both teams switched sides and coL was once again blue. compLexity kept Team3 busy on B as it only took two coL players to cap A with out any interupptions. compLexity pushed Team3 back to their spawn as oplaid ( a lonely pyro ) capped B by himself ending the game for compLexity 2-0. Good game to Team3.

Recording of the Match


Tonight our very own Team Fortress 2 squad is set to take on Team3 on cp_gravelpit in CEVO-P Week 6-1. From the looks of Team3 record in CEVO, compLexity should walk away with an easy win 5-0. Team3 hasn’t been putting enough effort in this season as they only have 2 forfeit win against team 1desire and team Under Construction. Their current record at this point is 2-8. compLexity will be coming into this match with a win against Team Dynamic 2-0 on cp_broma. The match time is 10:00PM EST. We will be bringing you spectator information as soon as it is available for the match. SourceTV will be posted here and in IRC at #compLexity. Keep it locked on the site for all of your gaming coverage needs!

compLexiTV Live Stream: HERE!

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