Pre-Blizzcon Interview with coL.NaNiWa

BY Andrew Miesner / October 18, 2011

With Blizzcon 2011 just around the corner, we sat down with Johan “coL.NaNiWa” Luchessi for some insight into how his transition to compLexity Gaming has been and what he is planning for the near future.

Thanks for taking the time to catch up with us! Tell us a bit about your last few weeks. How has it been living in the MVP house? How has your training been coming along?

The MVP house is awesome, except for when they scream for no reason. It makes me sad and it’s very hard to concentrate. I’m sure I’ll be able to adjust because other than that, it’s great! I love the food and the people are really nice. Obviously the practice is of a much better quality than it is in Europe or Amerca so that’s great.

How have the first few weeks in compLexity treated you? Have you had the time to get to know the organization? What are your initial thoughts?

Hmm, so far I have zero complaints, as everything has gone really smooth. I think I’ll get to know them as an organization much better when I meet everyone at Blizzcon. From what I’ve seen so far, the members get along really well with each other.

In a few hours you leave for Blizzcon to play against some pretty tough opponents. Are you looking forward to the event? How are you feeling about your chances?

I’m really looking forward to it, but I still don’t feel like I’ve had enough time to practice, but honestly there’s never enough time. I just hope I’m ready! I think that if I have a good day and play my A-Game, I can win the whole thing for sure, but it’s going to be a hard road when you consider who’s playing, such as Nestea and MVP.

If you don’t win Blizzcon who do you predict will win it?

If I had to make a prediction, I’d say either Nestea or MVP.

Recent patches to StarCraft2 have different people saying Protoss is underpowered. What are your thoughts on this?

Compared to Terran and Zerg, I think we are a bit weaker, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to win. Protoss is still a long way from being perfect so I’ll just have to focus on trying to improve instead of whining about the race itself.

What events are you planning on attending during the remainder of 2011? Which one are you most excited about?

I’m really excited for Dreamhack and MLG Providence. I would really love to take home the gold in Sweden, my home country. I feel that someone HAS to do it for SC2.

Any final comments or shoutouts?

I want to thank my team, who have provided me with everything I need in order to be satisfied. I also want to thank my fans for supporting me through my transition from Dignitas. I will be back on top soon enough so don’t worry! I’d also like to give a huge shout-out to our sponsors at Creative Sound Blaster, PNY, and OriginPC.