QuakeLive Contest Winners

BY Andrew Miesner / March 29, 2009

Here are the winners of our Creative Quake Live Movie Contest!

Today we finally announce the winners of our Quake Live movie contest! For the third place, the voting was close as the difference between fourth and third came down to 5 votes. Below is the prize listing, winners, and their videos.


1stFatal1ty Titanium PCI-Express Soundcard, Fatal1ty USB Gaming Headset and a Vado HD Pocket Video Cam
Vado Pocket Video Cam, Fatal1ty Gaming Headset
Vado Pocket Video Cam


1st – Torzelan

2nd – Attyla7

3rd – Styro

Winners please PM coL.1 on the site with your full names and complete addresses to receive your prizes! Congrats to the winners and thanks to all the participants.