Rasmus “viPro” Ostersjo Retires

BY Andrew Miesner / January 15, 2014

Today we are sad to announce that our teammate Rasmus “viPro” Östersjö has decided to retire from professional gaming. We are disappointed that he will not be competing under the compLexity banner any longer but are honored that we had the opportunity to work with him.

Rasmus had this to say to his followers and teammates in a letter:

Dear fans and friends.

It may not be a surprise what I am about to tell you. I’m down the same path that so many pro-gamers have been lately. Each month several new players announce their retirements from professional gaming, and for me the last months have just been a matter of time before it’s my turn.

It’s with both sadness and relieve that I today let everyone know that I am closing a great chapter in my life, e-sports. I have no regrets for all the hours I spent in Starcraft II, but every great memory has to come to an end eventually.

I’d like to thank everyone for their support during this adventure; both fans, friends and sponsors. After all it’s you that made this chapter of my life possible, and I will always be thankful for that.

To not end the cliché of giving some of the closest gaming-friends a special goodbye, here are some of the people that definitely deserves some attention.

Pedro and Juan: The times we shared in K3 was probably the time I enjoyed the most during my Starcraft-days. Both of you became very close friends to me and were really important to me in several different aspects. I which both of you good luck in the future with everything you do, stay in touch!

Marcus: I don’t quite remember when or how we met. You are just one of these guys that it feels like I have known forever. You are a great friend, one is lucky to share your friendship. Even if you don’t need it I’m going to which you good luck in the future. I know you are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. At least I don’t have to say goodbye, just see you soon!

Johan: Not everyone have the privilege to get close to you. I’m not entirely sure why you accepted me so greatly, but I am happy you did. You turned out to be one of my closest friends in gaming, and you are one of these person I always wanted to share good and bad news with first. I which more people got the chance to know you as you really are, because you don’t deserve all the drama that too often circulate around you. I which you happiness in the future, which will be a key to success.

Josh: Hey man you are just awesome, I don’t know any other way to put it. I remember first time we played in the in-house practice complexity used to have back when the gaming-house was open. Ever since that moment I knew you were something special. Thanks for all the laughs and all the moments that we shared. I hope I can meet you in real life some time, my doors in Sweden are always open to you!

compLexity: Thanks and once again thanks. I am so happy you never hesitated to let me join after K3 disbanded. Without you I would most likely have retired back when K3 disbanded. It was a blast to represent you, and I never felt anything but welcome in your family. Because that is what complexity was to me: not only a team; family.

If you are one of these readers with great stamina and are curious to what I will be doing in the future: Basically for the next 5 years I am going to university. I study civil engineering and have just finished the first 6 months of the education. So far I am having a blast and I’m doing really great. Once again thanks for your support!


Rasmus “viPro” Östersjö


Please join us in wishing Rasmus the very best of luck as he persues his goals for the future.