Ruins signed by eMg

BY Andrew Miesner / June 23, 2009

Today eMg has announced that they have signed Ruins as their 1.6 team. Ruins started off the ESEA-I season 0-2, losing to EG and compLexity. They were able to rebound and are now currently sitting in 3rd place with a 10-3 record. They have also qualified for the lan finals.

Team manager, Thomas “Rasmus” Nabors had this to say to Gotfrag.

The guys and I are very pleased to be working with eMazing Gaming and we hope to get a lot accomplished during our time here. This roster will be a work in progress over the next few LANs and we will work our hardest to improve every element of their game. We are hoping to mold this team into one of the top competing rosters in the United States at this time and with some work I think it is very probable that these guys will accomplish this task. I have a lot of faith in them and we hope to do big things going into our first event.

eMg 1.6:
  Dustin “dizzaman” Dilyerd
  Chris “truls” Navratil
  Sean “sgares” Gares
  Keith “keefers” Spies
  Alex “millipede” Abbott

Source: Gotfrag