Stalife Interviewed by IPL

BY Andrew Miesner / May 27, 2011

Sung Min “Stalife” Park was recentely interviewed by the IGN Pro League after it was announced that Stalife has qualified for the second season of the league. The interview breaks down his achievements as well as what he’s doing to prepare for MLG Columbus which is only a week away.

An excerpt from the interview can be found below:


Cody: Stalife, you were invited to the first season of the IGN Pro League and you had a decent showing.  You ended up losing to KiwiKaki in the first round; obviously, you would preferred a win there, but losing to KiWiKaKi isn’t something to be embarrassed about.  You then went on to beat Sheth in the loser’s bracket, then Spades, and you finally were stopped by ViBE.  What do you think about your performances overall in the event?

Stalife: I actually prepared a lot for KiWiKaKi, as I wanted to perform really well in the first season of the IGN Pro League.  As I was preparing I feel like I improved my Terran versus Protoss matchup quite a bit. Unfortunately, I was pretty sick with the flu after MLG Dallas so I had to play my IPL games sick.

Obviously I am not satisfied with my results as I wanted to get top four. Nevertheless, I’m happy now that I’ve qualified for the second season of the IGN Pro League.

Cody: We’re about a week and a half away from MLG Columbus.  A lot of the folks you’ll be playing at that event will be in our main event this season.  How prepared are you, overall, for some of these bigger events coming up?  Are there any match ups in particular that you need to work on, or do you feel comfortable with everything at the moment

Stalife: My girlfriend told me that it would be impossible for me to be disappointed at Columbus as it’ll be tough to beat my failure at Dallas.  To word it in a good way, I don’t think my performance reflected my skill at Dallas. I feel my overall game, in all matchups, have been refined since Dallas. I am especially comfortable playing TvP now.  I think I will do quite well, but I don’t have any TvT practice partners and my TvT success will likely be the biggest factor as to whether or not I get in the Championship Bracket.


Read the full interview by clicking here.