Stalife vs ROOTKiWiKaKi – IGN Pro League

BY Andrew Miesner / April 21, 2011

Post Game

In today’s debut of the IGN Pro League eSports fans were treated to a fantastic series between ROOTKiWiKaki and compLexity’s Stalife.

The first match was on Xel’naga Caverns and saw Stalife go with a quick 3 Rax with Stim. Kiwikaki, on the other hand, went with a 3 Gate fast expand build, giving him the economic edge for pretty much the whole game. After Stalife held off KiwiKaki’s initial pressure, he brought out a fast Ghost for some EMPs. Both players took turns going on the offensive, each holding off the others attacks. KiwiKaki eventually transitioned into Colossus, putting Stalife firmly behind considering he had yet to get his Factory up, much less a Starport. With map control ensured with the Colossus, KiwiKaki took both a third base and a fourth at the gold. With such a strong economic edge, KiwiKaki was able to roll over Stalife’s Marauders and Vikings.

Game two was on Tal’Darim Alter and saw Stalife open with the standard one Rax, one Factory, one Starport build with the intent to get Banshees and Siege tanks out. KiwiKaki again went with early Gateway pressure. Despite having a bunker up, Stalife was unable to hold the front line. While there was fighting in Stalife’s base, there was a Banshee knocking off KiwiKaki’s Probes. Regardless of this harass, Stalife invested too much money in tech and just couldn’t get enough units out to hold off KiwiKaki and was forced to GG.

While Stalife lost tonight’s match, that doesn’t mean he’s out just yet. The IGN Pro League has a losers bracket, meaning that Stalife still have a chance to come back.

IGN Pro League

Tonight, compLexity’s Stalife is set to play his first match in the IGN Pro League , taking on KiWiKaKi from ROOT Gaming. This is the first week of the IGN Pro League so both players will be looking to make their mark early on in the season.

The match is set to begin at 8PM EST.


North American Star League – Stalife vs KiWiKaKi


Location: Canada
Team: CompLexity



Location: FL, USA
Team: ROOT



Time: 8PM EST
Maps: Best of Three