Swag Transferred to iBUYPOWER

BY Andrew Miesner / March 25, 2014

Letter to the community

Upfront, I want to personally apologize for how our organization handled the Swag announcement. Sometimes we have an overzealous approach to getting ahead of the news. This is a scenario where that has happened and for that, I again, apologize.

To set the record straight, Braxton “Swag” Pierce was never released from his contract. He chose to no longer play with the players on his team. Due to this, we had to make a substitution for Brax in the other night’s matches, which forced us to remove Brax from the league’s roster. Some of our staff misconstrued that to mean we were removing Brax all together, which was a mistake and never the case. It is very important to note that when a player commits to a contract that commitment needs to be met. The player always has the right to decide to stop playing but they don’t have the right to just freely switch teams. There are mechanisms for player transfers in this business and those mechanisms need to be followed.

I was in the process of speaking with iBUYPOWER when all of this “news” broke the other night. Fortunately, we have come to an agreement in which compLexity will transfer Braxton “Swag” Pierce to iBUYPOWER.

I want to once again stress that I am personally ashamed as to how this was all handled and we will strive to put better checks and balances in place in order to make sure that it never happens again. On a brighter note, the end result was the same and fortunately our bumbling of the situation that night did not change the outcome of this scenario.


Jason Bass
COO compLexity Gaming

Today, we would like to announce the transfer of Braxton “Swag” Pierce’s contract to iBUYPOWER. Braxton first joined compLexity back in the summer of last year and has played a valuable role in the success of the team over that time.

Swag had this to say about the transfer:


In regards to my departure from complexity, I would like to give Jason Lake special thanks for the opportunity I received to represent such a big name in esports. I also would like to thank my former teammates who contributed to the experience and skills I gained during this time, and wish them the very best of luck.

After careful consideration I have decided to join iBUYPOWER. I believe this is the right opportunity for me and I look forward to playing with these guys as I see great potential in this lineup. Thanks for all the support!


We would like to wish Braxton the best of luck moving forward. Stay tuned as we will be announcing our new 5th within the next few days!