Update: HuK To Play @ MLG; MLG Player List Released
BY Andrew Miesner / March 29, 2011
3/30/11 Update:
Today, in a surprise announcement, Team Liquid’s Huk officially stated that he is flying back to the States to compete in this weekend’s MLG Dallas. Unfortunately for Huk (or rather his opponents) because he was so late in confirming his attendance, he will be playing as the #1 seed in the Open Bracket rather than the Championship Bracket.
Make sure you tune into MLG Dallas this weekend so you can cheer on compLexity’s own Antimage, CrunCher, rsvp, Ryan, and stalife.
Original Post:
Today, Major League Gaming(MLG) has released the player list for the opening event this weekend in Dallas, Texas. Players in bold are in the top 16.
CompLexity will be sending five players.
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