VIDEO: Post GSL RO24 Interview with GanZi

BY Andrew Miesner / May 16, 2012

Last night compLexity’s GanZi took on two time GSL champion and fan favorite SK_MC in the GSL Code A round of 24. This was a huge match considering that the winner moves on to a guaranteed spot in Code S, while the loser has to fight their way though the Up & Down matches.

While all the polls and predictions stated that MC would win, GanZi said otherwise. Showing his true skill, GanZi easily beat MC 2-0.

Shortly after his match, GanZi was interviewed by Jade from the Cyber Sports Network. Considering this is one of the only interviews GanZi does in English, you’re not going to want to miss it. After you’ve watched it, feel free to send a message to GanZi via Twitter wishing him luck as he gears up for this weekend’s MLG Spring Arena 2 in New York City.