PG2: coL.DotA vs Evil Geniuses

BY Andrew Miesner / May 17, 2012

Tonight compLexity DotA 2 will be taking on rival team Evil Geniuses as part of the ProDotA2 League. Kicking off at 6 PM EST, this is a match you don’t want to miss. Both compLexity and Evil Geniuses are doing very well in the league, with coL sitting in first place with a record of 4-1 while EG is in third at 3-0.

For those of you who don’t know, the ProDota2 League is the first world wide DotA 2 league. To attract gamers from around the world the prize pool is $30,000 with $20,000 going to professional gamers and $10,000 for non-professional gamers.

Tonight’s match is a Best-of-1, so every action counts.

compLexity will be fielding:

  • Jeyo
  • ixmike88
  • TC

While EG will be playing:

  • DeMoN
  • MiSeRy-
  • Fear
  • Maelk
  • Lacoste
Evil Geniuses
Time: 6:00 PM EST 
Format: Best of One