compLexity Academy Accepting Application Videos

BY Andrew Miesner / June 22, 2012



Deadline for applications will be July 13th!

A few days ago The Academy announced that Nick “Brobocop” Harvey and Ke “Lagragian” Li were leaving the team due to interests outside of StarCraft. While it’s sad to see such great players leave, we completely understand their circumstances and support their decision. This does mean, however, that The compLexity Academy now has two openings on the roster that need to be filled.

After much deliberation, we have decided that application videos would be best way to find new players. If you are interested in stepping your game up to the next level feel free to create a short video answering the questions below. Academy commissioner Michael “Twixz” Shane will view each video and select two players to be added to the roster. You must be 18 years of age or older, be in masters league or above, and reside in North America to apply.

Please answer the follow questions in your application video, as well as a link to your profile and any other information or accomplishments you want to include.

1) Tell us about yourself. What race do you play? How much time do you dedicate to StarCraft? Are you a student? Let us know what your interests and goals are.
2) What have you achieved in SC2 so far (tournament wins etc.)?
3) What do you think you would you bring to The Academy that sets you apart from other players?
4) Do you think you’d benefit from the Academy atmosphere? If so why?
5) Do you stream your games? If so, please provide us with a link so we can see you in action.
6) What would be your goals for the Academy if you were selected?
7) Lastly, give us a short summary on why we should pick you.

Once you have your video made, please upload it to YouTube and email the link to [email protected].

If you are unable to make a video, you can still apply to The Academy. Just email Twixz ([email protected]) with the answers to the questions above and he will work with you through the application process.

If you are accepted into The Academy there are several perks. Aside from training with a highly motivated team, The Academy will also provide you with a Creative Sound Blaster headset as well as a mousepad from QPAD. You will also have the opportunity to win trips to MLG events, play in Academy sanctioned events (showmatches) and the opportunity to stay at the compLexity Gamma Gamers House in Houston, Texas.