VOD: compLexity to Host Firefall Fest!

BY Andrew Miesner / October 17, 2012


compLexity Gaming is proud to announce that we will be taking part in Firefall Fest, an event hosted by game developer Red5, to promote their new game, FireFall. We will be joining other guest hosts such as Nathan Fillion, Wil Wheaton, Household Hacker and Day 9 at Red5 Studios to explore the world of FireFall.

compLexity will be hosting the event LIVE on Oct. 25th, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT! When we’re on air, we’ll be chatting live with the community, answering viewer questions and talking about all things gaming while joining players in the live Firefall beta to take on the Chosen, or to challenge them in PvP!

The following compLexity members have been disecting FireFall over the past couple of weeks in order to bring their A-game to the event:

  • Scott “Popcorn” Ford
  • Andy “Bravo” Dudynsky
  • Josh “TriMaster” Niven
  • Peter “Franzzii” Dager
  • David “MoonMeander” Tan

Tune in live from October 22nd to October 27th to catch all the action!

For information on FireFall and to request BETA access, click here. For more information on FireFall Fest, click here. Additionally, we will be giving away some FireFall BETA keys over the next two weeks, as well as some Founders Packs during the week of FireFall Fest!