This is a debuff applied to everyone at the beginning of every Phase 1
As a player moves, they gain stacks of Slow
These stacks last 25 seconds, but accumulate quickly
If a player reaches 50 stacks, it’ll start dealing 300k damage per second while moving
Using an ability that clears movement affects also clears this, like a Paladin’s Blessing of Freedom or a Hunter’s Posthaste talent.
The Crackling Shard pillars in Phase 2 are invulnerable to damage
When the players who soak Scales of Wrathion run over pillars, they lose their invulnerability
DPS players will need to kill these pillars after the invulnerability is removed
We recommend going with a 2 tank, 4 heal, 14 DPS comp, and use Bloodlust on pull.
Phase 1
To deal with Creeping Madness, you want to be aware of your positioning at all times
The melee should obviously still be next to the boss’s side, but the ranged and healers should be stacked together ~30 yards away
Players affected by Incineration still need to run out of the raid, but only go about 10-15 yards.
When Gale Blast occurs, move as little as possible to get just outside the edge of the animation
Do NOT start moving for Burning Cataclysm until you see the boss stop moving and pick the side he’ll be on, then run in the opposite direction of where Wrathion stopped
You can get a glimpse of where he’s going as Gale Blast ends, since the boss model will turn and point in the direction he’ll fly
After the explosions from Burning Cataclysm end, do NOT run to the boss, let HIM run to YOU
Again, this helps minimize movement and reduce your total stacks
As a note on Burning Cataclysm – it is a bit trickier to identify the safe spot on Mythic than Heroic, which may require a pull or two to get used to
There should still always BE a safe spot, but it may be more difficult to quickly identify it.
If players get above 40-45 stacks, they should either use an ability to clear stacks, or ask for a Blessing of Freedom if available
Things like Hunter’s Posthaste after disengage and Warlock’s Demonic Circle will reset stacks, so save these for tight situations, especially during Burning Cataclysm
Phase 2
Creeping Madness fades temporarily in P2
Each of your 3 players that soak Scales of Wrathion will have 10 stacks of Burning Madness to use
There are 30 Shards that need the immunity cleared
You’ll want to assign faster classes to this job, things like DH, shaman, or even use Skystep potions
Once all the shards are down and you reenter Phase 1, get back to your P1 positioning and pump into the boss. Rinse and repeat until Wrathion falls over
Breaking all of these Shards is the single most important part of this fight. Any shards you fail to kill will tick for raid-wide damage the rest of the fight. Pair this with the other damage going out, and 3-4 shards not dying can quickly turn into a wipe.