2010 FIFA World Cup Game

The FIFA 2010 World Cup is 134 days away. Yesterday, although we were expecting this, EA Sports officially announced the 2010 FIFA World CupTM game. The game will be made for the XBOX 360 and the PS3.

The game will feature all 199 nations that took part in the qualification stages. Below is the official announcement that was made on EA Sports Facebook page.

In an exclusive interview with GameSpot, Simon Humber, who is the producer of FIFA 2010 World Cup Game explained the many changes this game will have.

Here are a few of them:

A gorgeous new pitch: Our pitch simply wasn't good enough, so we've made it look superb.
Clever changes to the lighting makes everything look more realistic.
Camera flashes: You'll see all the fans in the crowd using their cameras.
Seat cards: Fans hold up cards to form national flags and emblems in a show of patriotism.
Fans: Close-up shots on supporters cheering on their team or despairing in anguish.
Confetti rains down from the sky in the team colors and stays on the pitch all game.
Streamers create a carnival atmosphere as they glide to the ground.
Populated benches: Characters sit on the benches rather than being empty.
Broadcast graphics: The same captions you've seen in FIFA tournament broadcasts.
Close-up celebration camera
New players and managers

Here is a snippet of the interview:

In previous years, the FIFA team has made no bones about wanting to bring the World Cup online. How does this game's online tournament mode fulfill that ambition?

SH: I am happy to say we have achieved that completely. For the first time ever, we have managed to get the entire finals tournament online so that when you play online you will always be matched up against another human player regardless of the time of day or night. You'll choose your team and then play the three group matches, attempting to finish in the top two before heading into the knockout phase where you're four wins away from lifting the FIFA World Cup Trophy amidst a cacophony of confetti cannons and fireworks on a cool Johannesburg night. Without a doubt it's the most exciting online mode we've put together and the perfect way to build up to a match on TV or carry on the experience after a broadcast.

I expect this experience to really speak to our core gamers, and I get sweaty palms every time I test the mode and feel the pressure of tournament football for myself.

To read about more changes in the game and to read the rest of the interview with Simon head on over to GameSpot.

Source: GameSpot via EA Sports Facebook

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