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The world of esports is constantly evolving. New games emerge, old titles drop off, and new fan bases are created. In our 15 year history, compLexity has always tried to stay ahead of the curve. We strive to diversify our portfolio and represent as many beloved games as possible. We are proud to announce our venture in one of the most exciting new titles, Valve’s upcoming card game - Artifact.
Over the past four years compLexity has had a strong presence in other card game with Hearthstone, Gwent and also Magic: The Gathering, and we are looking forward to yet another installment of card based strategy. As for our initial Artifact squad, we are proud to say that we have nurtured an organic team over time. The five founding members of this division have been bringing home trophies and representing the red and black for a combined 11 years.
The first of the bunch is coL veteran Jan “superjj” Janßen. Having been with compLexity since March of 2015, JJ has traveled the world and won several tournaments for the brand, both in Hearthstone and Gwent. As a solo player he won the title at both SeatStory Cup 4 and Gwent Open 3, and as a member of a trio he helped bring home the Trinity Series title. He has demonstrated that he is highly motivated, exceptionally analytical, and has a work-ethic rivaled by none. He is eager to claim dominance in yet another game, while also entertaining thousands during his daily streams.
Sharing a similar Hearthstone origin, Tugay “Mryagut” Evsan and Grace “Sylvanhunter” Naces will join the effort to become the most fierce competitors in Valve’s newest game. Each has many years of experience with strategy games, both cards and board games. For Mryagut Hearthstone and high-ranked Chess have been the basis for Mr. Yagut’s analytical and tactical prowess, while his streams have marked him as a relatable entertainer in the space. Grace has been a Magic: The Gathering player for over a decade, concurrently acting as an ambassador to the game in South East Asia and consistently posting strong results in competitions.
Also making the move over to Artifact are the dynamic Gwent duo of Freddy “Freddybabes” Bird and Mark “Petrify” Fittipaldi. Both members were on the forefront of coL’s push into CDPR’s Gwent, but have since taken a step back from that game. For the near future, Freddy will split his time between Artifact and Gwent, as he prepares for the upcoming Gwent Challenger event, having just recently won the trophy at Gwent Open.
For Petrify the love-affair with Gwent died down a bit earlier, his Artifact beta grind has been in full swing for months. Now he is ready to scratch his competitive itch against the best and the brightest in Artifact.
With these five core members, and Connagh “Merchant” Hawkins as a general card game personality, we are excited for what Artifact has in store for us. We will continue to evaluate the scene and further bolster our roster, but the foundation is set with our six long-time members, who will get to work across all three lanes soon.