compLexity Welcomes TheoHS and AliasV

Since the start of the card game trend, compLexity Gaming has been involved. First with Hearthstone, then with Gwent, now with MTGA and Artifact. With that much variety in the genre, spreading out the talent is warranted. Today coL is happy to announce two new additions to the roster - one in MTG and one in Hearthstone. First, we are happy to introduce Eilidh “AliasV” Lonie. A streamer since 2017 after discovering Gwent, Eilidh stuck with card games and streaming ever since. Once the closed beta came out for MTGA, AliasV switched her game, as well as diversifying the game portfolio with paper Magic. The new-found passion for the popular card game quickly spiraled into the competitive aspect of the Wizards of the Coast classic. Currently, AliasV is streaming nearly every day and competes every single week in local Standard Showdown tournaments. Ultimately Eilidh is looking forward to MTGA’s esports plan and attending a paper GP in both constructed and limited. Our second addition is also awaiting more live events - just in a different capacity. Matthijs “Theo” Lieftink is one of the most known Hearthstone players from the Netherlands. Just a few weeks ago he represented his country in the Hearthstone Global Games alongside other compLexity Hearthstone pro, Tyler. Sadly that journey ended before BlizzCon in the Round of 16, yet Theo is quickly making a name for himself as a consistent streamer. Every single day he entertains his fans and grows his community, an educational environment with high-tier decks and new meta “flavor of the month” decks. Theo leaves a successful 2018 year behind, with his eyes set on 2019 and keeping that trend up. We ask the #coLFamilia to welcome these two members with open arms and be sure to follow their streams at theohs_ and AliasV, as well as their presence on Social Media to get the latest updates and streaming schedules at @theoHS_ and @AliasVonTwitch.
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