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In a recent turn of events, fnatic has announced that Archi will be taking a step back from gaming. His reason for stepping back is a lack of motivation to continue being a professional gamer and a decision to focus more on his personal life. Archi has been a part of fnatic for three years as he was a part of the original roster. To take Archi's spot on the fnatic roster, will be GuX from Team Blank. GuX is a new upcoming star that fnatic feels will be able to shine now that he has been given the opportunity. Below are snippets of the statements from team captain dsn and Managing Director Sam Mathews.
After some weeks of intensive training with the team, change is coming your way again. Archi, our long time friend and team mate, has admitted his lack of interest playing the game to us. His recent lifestyle involves seeing friends and going out a lot more, something he felt was more fun than spending his weekday nights playing CS. I guess he has been feeling like that for some time now but was afraid to say it, being afraid to quit doing something he had been doing for such a long time.
Anyway, he finally told us how he felt about not enjoying to play anymore and that brought him to tears. All of us are still friends and we have no hard feelings, we are just happy he admitted his feelings before it was too late. Losing two long time players in a short time is tough, but they will always have a place in our hearts. We have walked through happy and rough times together and I think all of us are happy with how well we got along. Playing big games with your friends and winning as a team is amazing. - Harley "dsn" Orvall, fnatic team captain
It’s a sad day at Fnatic whenever we have a player leaving who has been with us for so long, other than dsn, Archi along with f0rest and cArn have been the longest standing Fnatic members of all time. Archi has been a great player for our CS team, from winning their first major title in 2006, to being the number 1 CS team for longest period of time in history of counterstrike (21 Months According to g7 rankings). - Sam Mathews, Managing Director
fnatic has also conducted an interview with their new star GuX. You can read that interview here.
With the recent changes, fnatic's roster for the 2009 year is:
Harley "dsn" Örwall
Rasmus "Gux" Stahl
Patrik "f0rest" Lindberg
Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund
Patrik "cArn" Sättermon
Links: Archi calls it a day, fnaticMSI Welcome GuX