Barbarr and Moddi to MYM

Update 05/28: The two organizations have come to a final agreement, with Andre "BARBARR" Möller and Andreas "moddii" Fridh going to MYM and Frey "kHRYSTAL" Sjöström and Emil "FYRR73" Karlsson going to H2K.

Update: The MYM organization has now announced that the move was hasty and that nothing is on paper yet, making the announcement unofficial. As of this update, the players and organization are in talks, but nothing has been finalized.


After months of sub-par results, the MYM organization has announced the pickup of two new players and the departure of two others. Frey "kHRYSTAL" Sjöström and Emil "FYRR73" Karlsson will be departing the organization after a short stint with the team. Replacing them will be H2K notable Andre "BARBARR" Möller and H2K LAN ringer Andreas "moddii" Fridh.

This brings the new MYM roster to:

Faruk "pita" Pita
Marcus "Delpan" Larsson
Marcus "zet" Sundström
Andre "BARBARR" Möller
Andreas "moddii" Fridh

MYM will be participating in Dreamhack Summer next month. More information about the team can be found at their website.

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