Birthday Bonanza - Winners Announced!


Congratulations to RainmaN, the winner of the Birthday Bonanza, as well as the winners of the 10 coL Mousepads! Thank you to everyone who entered! If you are a winner, be sure to contact coL|aMies on the site with your NAME and ADDRESS!

Grand Prize



TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO ENTER. You have just under 8 hours to get your entries in for over $900 in cash prizes.

Well today is my birthday. I woke up this morning and felt like giving a birthday present to our fans. In celebration of my birthday, I am feeling a little crazy and wanted to try a big contest and an auction to help out one of our community partners.

To kick things off we are going to auction off three authentic CompLexity Jerseys on eBay. All proceeds from the sale will be donated to ArenaCast.

Complexity Jersey
coL Jersey

The Contest

The prize package is probably the largest we have ever given away. This package is sponsored by Creative, XFX, PureTrak, Fame Networks and G8 and they are all throwing something in.

The winner will also receive $300 cash. There is a catch to this money. The winner will be asked to write an honest review of all of the products he/she has won and upon completion will be given the cash via check or paypal.

The total package is valued at OVER $900.

In addition to the grand prize, PureTrak has agreed to give away 10 more Complexity Pads to 10 lucky random winners. So spread the word and post often.

The rules of this contest are simple yet confusing all at once, so make sure to pay close attention. This is a viral contest so spread it to your Twitter community, Facebook, MySpace etc. The more places you post the link to this article the greater your chance is to win. Each post counts as another entry. (For example, if you post on your Twitter, Facebook and one forum you get three entries.) I don't know about you but I like having a birthday week so with that in mind people will have until October 8, 2009 to enter.

The Rules

- Copy the link to this contest and post it on different sites and social pages that you are ALLOWED to do so on. (We are not trying to get anyone banned here or break posting rules. Along with the link say that Complexity is hosting an incredible contest and then post the link.)

- Once you have posted this contest link come back to the Complexity site and post the link to where you posted it in the comments.

- For every time you post the contest link come back to Complexity and make a NEW post on this article.

- The more times you post the more chances you have to win

- This Contest will run for FIVE DAYS and the winner will be selected at random based on the comment section of this article on Thursday October 8, 2009 at 6 PM EST

There will be an example post of how to do this contest in the first comment below please make sure you follow the rules and GOOD LUCK!!

Special thanks to our sponsors for making this all possible.

compLexity Gaming: YOUR source for professional gaming news and (contest!) entertainment!

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