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It was announced that on March 1st, the Pandemic organization would cease all operations immediately. The organization sent the TF2 team to ESEA Season 5 for the last time under that name and placed fourth. Blight.TF2, who was placed 2nd at the time had decided to break up, leaving the Blight organization without a TF2 squad.
Today, Blight Gaming is proud to announce that they have acquired the former Pandemic TF2 squad with some minor roster changes, consisting of former compLexity TF2 Medic Nick "TheFragile" Leon and a few others players such as Eric "Orzo" Wheeler, Justin "justin" White and Tyler "TLR" Morgan.
Blight.TF2 is now:
Nick "TheFragile" Leon
Eric "Orzo" Wheeler
B "fanom" L
Justin "justin" White
Tyler "TLR" Morgan
R "wonderwall" C
Sven "Ruwin" Z
Blight.TF2's ESEA page can be found here.
Source: Blight Gaming and ESEA News.