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Several days ago, Blight Gaming announced their new 1.6 roster, noting that this team would be a permanent fixture for Blight Gaming after the organization has gone through several teams in the past year. According to James "blackfoger" Larsen, the team initially approached him about being signed in order for them to attend ESEA's S7 LAN Finals in November.
Kyle 'flowsicK' Mendez ,
Bryan 'buskey' Buskey,
Travis 'tubby' Bechtol
Chris 'truls' Navatrail,
Paul 'Adrenaline' Baker
Kyle "flowsicK" Mendez had this to say:
We're excited as a team to be joining the Blight Gaming Org. We have an ESEA Invite LAN coming up and with the financial backing of Blight it made the trip a lot easier to get to with a lot less to worry about. They're very, very limited homes for 1.6 teams to join that are able to fully back the team with what they need. Being in contact with Blight for less then two weeks they have given us more then what most organizations can give already. The future looks good with us being apart of Blight and we hope to have this home for quite some time.
More information about the aquisition can be found by clicking here.