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by Sören 'Fantasy' Vendsahm
It has been a long road through the Trinity Series. What started as a dream in late January with the debut match against Cloud 9, is now a concrete travel plan to Burbank, California. As one of four teams, compLexity Gaming’s Hearthstone team will board the planes, leave the home region of Europe and sling some cards at the ESL Studios in sunny Southern California.
A grueling season with ups and downs is behind them and the thrill of the playoffs is just weeks away. From March 16th to March 18th we will clash with Team Liquid, Virtus.Pro and Luminosity Gaming for the lion’s share of the 150.000 USD prize pool - one of the biggest prize pools in the history of the game.
To reach that goal, coL went through a rollercoaster of a season, in which their fate was still up for grabs on the last day. After initially starting 3-0 into the season, then dropping to 3-2, the squad had assumed a good position for the final week by narrowly defeating G2 in Week 6 with 6-5. As one of only two teams with a 4-2 record heading into the last week, coLHS was in a prime position to take home one of the coveted spots to Burbank in a win-and-in scenario. Unfortunately, the direct qualification with their own win went up in Flamewaker Missiles right away, as DrHippi guided VP to a 6-2 victory over the red and black brand, clinching a spot for VP, leaving coL dangling for another day.
It was ultimately TempoStorm defeating G2 on Thursday night that sealed the deal for the compLexity Gaming crew, securing their spot in the finals with a 4-3 record and a total of 33 game wins. The best class for the squad was Paladin contributing 10 wins to the total, followed by Warlock and Priest as the strongest classes of the coL crew.
Now the sights are set to Burbank and the three formidable foes that are left standing. The quest to become the first ever Trinity Series champion is on. Can Crane, superjj and Mryagut defeat Liquid, VP and Luminosity? In two weeks, we will know the answer!