Busy Week for coL.HS

It’s exciting times for Hearthstone competitors everywhere, as recently the calendar is stacked with events. compLexity Gaming’s cardslingers have their work cut for them in the next few days with superjj, Crane, and Loyan all competing in various high-stakes tournaments for glory.

The compLexity squad has found success in the regional qualifiers for WESG. Loyan, Crane and superjj have managed to advance to the Top 4 of their respective countries, with JJ and Crane only a win away from qualifying and Polish juggernaut Loyan needing two wins to make it to Kiev. The chance to represent their nations and their teams is close though, and the prestigious WESG tournament might have three coL players present.

However those qualifiers will end, two coL players will be present in Bucharest over the weekend for certain. Both Crane and superjj have been invited to participate in the 16-man tournament at DreamHack Bucharest, trying to continue their good performances. Crane will be trying to build off of the Silver medal at DreamHack Valencia, while JJ tries to continue on the road of success last seen with his dominant Swiss performance at Insomnia58. The tournament will kick off on Friday, September 16th.

Last but not least, compLexity Gaming will also be a part of perhaps the most special tournament of the year - the inaugural BatStone event. Organizer Firebat, 2014 World Champion of Hearthstone, is challenging the meta and dominant formats with his own take on it. The first edition will feature several card banned from competition, giving the Hearthstone community a glimpse into the “What would happen if…” world. After the community was asked to voice their opinions, the five most hated cards in the game were cast to sideline. Those included hated Legendary cards like Yogg-Saron and Barnes, but also class staples like Fiery War Axe, Tuskarr Totemic and Call of the Wild. In addition to the five banned cards from the community, each player could also ban a card from the tournament. That list was revealed earlier today and featured “mana cheat” cards like Innervate and Preparation, Zoo favorites like Doomguard and Darkshire Councilman, Thrall’s favorite weapon Doomhammer, Mage’s Ice Block, as well as two legendary cards in Ragnaros Firelord and Fandral.

Without those cards in the mix, expect the meta to look wildly different as several of the staple decks of the current meta like ZooLock, all Druid decks, aggressive Shaman, Rogue, Hunter and clown fiesta decks featuring Yogg have been eliminated from contention. Who of the top players will be able to adjust best to the new circumstances? coL player superjj will be matched up with the elite players of Hearthstone, including World Champion Ostkaka, multiple time European Champion Thijs, DreamHack Austin winner Chakki, Insomnia57 champion Ness, as well as the three amigos from Cloud 9 in Kolento, StrifeCro and Tidesoftimes.

So support compLexity.Hearthstone throughout their adventures this week in multiple tournaments, starting tonight with the QuickDraw Team League spectacular.

Image courtesy of Firebat

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