C3 Interview: Team Agent

For our next C3 interview we welcome Team Agent!

First, thanks very much for sitting down with us. Please tell us a bit about Agent and its history. Who are some of your players and how did the team come together? What league and LAN experience do you have?
AGENT was originally known as Here To Stay(cal im s19) when I joined the team and played with current teammate Ryan "ervanz" Evans. We were moved up to main and we basically pugged through that season ,as SUFFOCATE, when , eventually, it was only me and Ryan still left on the team. We made pickups Charley "orrell" Orrell and Joe "horNNEE" Horne and changed the team name to AGENT. We were marked inactive the following season and moved back down to im, where we made it to the quarter finals. The next season in main we made it to the semi-finals and picked up Dave "boomer" Wolff in the offseason, due to Ryans internet being terrible at his college. Now, here we are, competing in cal main, esea open, and the c3 challenge. Some of our members have attended a couple of lans including kode 5 qualifiers and x3o but never as a full team.

As a dedicated gamer, what is your take on the professional scene? Is it difficult to get recognized?
I would say it is pretty difficult to get known unless you are a successful lan team or be towards the top in many online leagues. We are shooting to get a bit more recognized by trying to attend more lans this year.

What are your goals as a gamer? Are you primarily playing for fun or would you like to see some type of reward for your hard work?
Right now, I would say I'm playing for fun but I definitely want to go to some lan tournaments in the near future and maybe some things will open up for me to pursue something greater if I'm successful.

Who are some of the players you look up to in gaming? Whose style is most like your own?
Heaton, XeqtR, and Rambo, just off the top of my head, are the players I have looked up to over the years. I try to play like Heaton and Rambo because I'm always spraying and love to be in clutch situations.

Why did you enter C3? What would it mean to you and your team to be a part of the compLexity organization?
We thought joining C3 would be a good way for us to practice because we knew good teams were going to join this tournament and believed it would challenge us to see how good we really are (and to see if we could actually win). Being a part of the compLexity organization would probably change all of our mind sets towards playing this game. New opportunities would open up for us and we would take this game way more seriously to see if we can become a dominant force anytime in the future, and if we fail.. I'm sure it would be a lot of fun playing under the coL organization and learning from some of the legends of the game.

Thanks very much for your time. Any final thoughts, comments or shoutouts?
No problem, I would like to give shoutouts to Ryan Evans for sticking with me through these seasons and Max Rooney for picking me up on Here To Stay and making me a better player when I was a bit new to competetive play(and being in t spawn with the other team!). Also to Zach Hamelinck for being mr. "KOBE" and James Stitch for being too cool for me :P.

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