C3 Interview: Team34

For the second C3 interview we caught up with Team34's Blake "nolimit" Burton

First off, thanks for sitting down with us. Team34 has made quite a name for itself recently and has come on strong as a major American contender. Tell us a bit about your team's LAN experience and how this roster came to be together.

I'd like to first start off with thanking you for this interview and for holding an event like this giving a team the opportunity to represent a fantastic organization like Complexity. As far as my team goes, the core of our roster has been playing together since early 2005. Since the start we've had many different rosters and have attended many different events, some with good placings and others that were disappointing. The latest version of this roster came together late last year right after WCG USA 2008 that was hosted in Los Angeles and I feel great about it as things have really came together quickly.

Most recently your team was seen at Lethal Gamers. How do you feel the team performed and where do you see opportunity for improvement?

Well I think I speak for anyone that plays this game and has attended a tournament that if you don't place first you're obviously let down. However as far as a newer team playing in its first event together I think we played exceptionally well especially considering that it was one of those marathon 1 day type tournaments that was running for nearly 24 hours. That being said any improvement will come as we continue to play more together and practice harder.

Your team will be one of the more closely watched contenders in the Creative Complexity Challenge. Who do you think will be your biggest threat?
Can't really say, any given night a team can upset a team that's supposed to be better than them on paper, that's what makes this game so exciting. But if there were any teams I had my eye on it would probably be MindScape and NSU.

What would it mean to your squad to become a part of the Complexity organization? What additional measures would you take to raise your level of play once under the glaring spotlight of the coL tag?

I believe it would be an amazing opportunity for us not only because of the support Complexity has to offer but the strong leadership of Jason Lake and the effect that leadership has on the individuals that play under the Complexity name. I wouldn't change a bit if we ended up winning this event and given an opportunity like this because for the last 4 years you can ask anyone that played on 34, I practice incredibly hard to make sure my team is prepared and I'm not satisfied with anyone that I play with if they aren't putting forth as much effort as I am.

Thanks again for your time. Any final shoutouts or comments?

I'd like to thank the people from the #GoRabid server company and everyone else that has supported and followed us over the years.

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