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The Creative Complexity Challenge starts this weekend and our entire organization is gearing up for the big event. Things get started at 2 PM EST on Saturday. Highlights include:
- Match shoutcasting by DJWheat on the compLexiTV Network
- Dystopia release party (more news on this soon)
- 128 teams battling it out for a coL Contract
- Creative Prize Giveaways
- Nonstop coverage here on
As a reminder to all teams participating:
- CEVO has complete control over event management and all CEVO rules and rulings apply. Questions, concerns and disputes must be handled through CEVO. Do not message coL-Staff with these questions.
- All team members must have accounts on and idle #compLexity throughout the event
- Record POV demos from each match. We will be monitoring matches and cheaters and their teams will be banned. If you have a great POV to share, upload it here (Demo Depot / Submit Demo) to have it featured on our site. (These POV's will be the first we review when making the C3 All-Star movie.)
- Sportsmanship, professionalism and maturity are the name of the game.
- Have fun!
Enter the NationVoice Prediction Contest before the event begins for your chance at winning a free ventrilo. Be sure to keep it locked to for the next two weekends and cheer for your favorite teams!