CGS Live! Pro-Am Coverage

The CGS video crew has been in a frenzy as of late, as it is now playoff time in the CGS Pro-Am league. Be sure to check out the most recent CGS Live! videos and podcasts to get the latest scoop on the CGS and its franchises.

Special coverage of the Pro-Am Finals begins this Friday, November 14! Join the live casters, djWHEAT and LANDodger, as they bring you the hottest Team Fortress 2 action LIVE!

On Monday (11/17), tune in for Counter-Strike 1.6, followed by Counter-Strike: Source on Tuesday (11/18). That's right, three separate shows to deliver the goods from the top tier Pro-Am matches! Be sure to tune in again on Thursday (11/20), when djWHEAT and LANDodger will recap the inaugural season of CGS Pro-Am and start ramping things up for the next season, which is coming up soon.

That rounds out the upcoming video schedule, so let's move onto the audio-only portion of the CGS programming.

First and foremost, the podcast is getting a new name! Starting this week, the show will be broadcast live and will be called CGS RADIO. You will still be able to download the show from iTunes and from our site, but you can also listen in real time on your favorite audio application (iTunes, WinAMP, etc.). Listen to the first live show tomorrow, November 12, where the hosts will fill you in on what's going on with Pro-Am, let you know the less than perfect CGS report from the World Cyber Games, and take some calls from listeners. The Ultimate Gamer may have been first, but there's still a chance for you to call in and be heard.

In the following weeks, CGS Radio will be broadcast every Tuesday instead of Wednesday. Those of you who needed a day to recover between listening to the show and watching a fresh episode of CGS Live! will get your wish. Exact times are still TBD, but check in throughout the afternoon (PST) for updates.

To recap: this week, CGS Live is airing the Pro-Am Finals in TF2, 1.6, and Source on this Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. This Thursday's show is being moved to Friday for TF2, but next week it'll be back to the regular day. And for the podcast, we've changed the name to CGS Radio, will be airing it live, and after tonight's show, it'll move to every Tuesday.

There is a smidgen of bad news: there won't be a show for you on the 27th due to the holiday, so be sure to tune in for the special Pro-Am shows and get your fill of CGS Live! to carry you through Thanksgiving. Three LIVE casted competition shows and then the Thursday Recap as the gravy. Yum yum yum!

To view CGS Live! episodes, click the following links:

CGS Live! - Episode #102

CGS Live! - Episode #103 (Featuring Jason Lake)

CGS Live! - Episode #104

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