Changes to coL.Dota

Today compLexity Gaming is announcing changes to our Dota 2 roster. We are excited to enter the next season of competition with a renewed enthusiasm and the presence of a few familiar faces. For the upcoming Winter season coL.Dota will be adding Rasmus “Chessie” Blomdin, Linus “Limmp” Blomdin, and Simon “Handsken” Haag.

The return of both Chessie and Limmp is particularly exciting to us because it not only brings in two world class core players, but it also brings back two former compLexity players, Limmp as part of the original 2014 coL.Dota team, and Chessie from 2012-2013 coL.HoN. Additionally, this now brings the team to four members of the stayGreen HoN Championship team that won five straight LAN events in 2013-2014.

With the return of the “Vanguard brothers” we are excited to welcome yet another friendly face in Handsken. A long time friend and occasional rival of the team, Handsken proved himself as a top tier support player in NiP, helping guide his team to success both online and at LAN events around the world. We look forward to seeing even greater success with the assistance of his calm demeanor and crisp support play.

Moving forward Luis ‘ZyzzY’ Perez will be the team’s sixth man. While Chessie’s health is in a better position than it has been in the past, there are still times in which he may be unable to compete. As the team’s sixth man ZyzzY will continue to live and train with the team in Florida and travel to competitions. In addition to his duties as the primary sub, ZyzzY will help the team with scouting and preparation for upcoming opponents.

Kyle Bautista, compLexity’s General Manager had this to say:

“We’re extremely excited about the addition of Chessie, Limmp, and Handsken to the team. Handsken brings the kind of solid, communicative support that the team needs, while the brothers have grown quite a bit in their time away from compLexity. I can’t wait to watch this team come together and compete at the highest levels. I’m even led to believe that Limmp’s 8,000 MMR means we will win the next Major, right?

Additionally I would like to personally thank Luis for his commitment to being the best teammate he can be. He has been a big part of our success over the last year, and we’re grateful that he has opted to continue on as part of the team during this transition.”

Simon “Handsken” Haag had this to say on joining coL.Dota:

“Joining up with compLexity was a no-brainer. I had the pleasure of getting dumpstered by these four guys at every big LAN in HoN, now I'm looking to be a part of that theme. It's a roster that I have a lot of faith in and simply put; I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity.”

We would also like to thank our previous tryout Vlad, without whom we would not have been able to qualify for the GameShow GEC LAN event. Unfortunately visa issues prevented us from being able to play with him at the event, but we have made sure he will still see his fair share of prize money and additionally we will be helping him to find a new team for the upcoming season.

You can see the new coL.Dota roster in action tonight during the StarLadder/I-League America Playoffs, when they take on Digital Chaos at 8pm EST/0200 CET. As always, thank you for your continued support of compLexity Gaming and coL.Dota.

compLexity Dota 2

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