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The past few days have been quite a ride for the entire Call of Duty scene with Rostermania going into overdrive. We're excited to announce our new squad for Call of Duty World War 2. It’s our pleasure to welcome back Rick “Ricky” Stacy as well as new members Doug “Censor” Martin and Rasim “Blazt” Ogresevic, who will be joining Brandon “Dashy” Otell from our previous roster.
"Today everyone at compLexity is thrilled to announce we have found a new lineup for our Call of Duty division. #coLofDuty is near and dear to our hearts and for awhile it looked like we would need to sit out until the next title. We're honored and excited that these players have partnered with us to carry on our legacy."
- Jason Lake, Founder & CEO
The New #coLofDuty
Support the new #coLofDuty as they head to CWL Seattle next week and be sure to welcome them in our Official Discord server!