Happy Birthday Ricky

The compLexity Family would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Rick "Ricky" Stacy!

Rick "Ricky" Stacy has been playing video games since the early days of the Xbox 360. He first started gaming competitively with Halo 3 and Call of Duty. Prior to joining OpTic Nation, Ricky has been part of several other organizations such as UNiTE, Curse LV, eLevate and Strictly Business. In April 2014, Ricky joined OpTic Gaming's sister team, OpTic Nation. Under the sister team, A compLexity Gaming alumni from the Black Ops 3 days makes his return! Ricky has been around the console for years. Starting out as a competitive Halo player, he quickly transitioned to the Call of Duty franchise and hasn’t looked back since. For over 5 years he’s a fixture in CoD competitions, although the ultimate win on the big stage hasn’t come yet. A fourth place in 2015 and a 5th-6th placement in 2016 got him close to the World Championship - a goal that is on the mind of the veteran.

Again, a very Happy Birthday to Rick "Ricky" Stacy!

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