coL.cs Northern Arena Update

Today we are announcing a stand-in for coL.cs at the upcoming Northern Arena tournament. For this event only Shawn ‘Witmer’ Taylor will be replaced by Cory ‘APE’ Bate.

Due to personal issues surrounding his father's health and unforeseen complications regarding the passport application process, Witmer was not able to obtain his passport in time for the event. APE, a veteran of Team Kaliber, and a Toronto local was able to fill in at the last minute. We are very grateful for his help, and wish him and the entire coL.cs roster good luck at this weekend’s event.

We apologize to both the organizers of Northern Arena, as well as to the fans of coL.cs. The competitive integrity of tournaments is paramount to our industry, and we will be enacting measures to insure that our actions do not lower the standards of a competition in the future.

Thank you for your continued support of coL.cs and compLexity Gaming.

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