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For the last two years Dota 2 has been a game near and dear to the compLexity organization. We have seen unbelievable upsets, high points, and successes, and other times disappointing finishes that leave many questions to be answered about the team’s future. Today we are once more on the path forward and up. We have assembled a roster of both familiar faces and new ones, and once more we set our sights on the ultimate prize, The Aegis.
As the founders and core members of our team, Zakari ‘Zfreek’ Freedman and Kyle ‘melonzz’ Freedman will continue forward, with captain melonzz moving from the offlane position to that of the 5 support, working in tandem with his brother. Filling his place in the offlane will be none other than David ‘Moo’ Hull of Digital Chaos and Archon fame. Moo has been a close friend to the team and organization over the last year, and we’re very excited to have the opportunity to work with him.
Filling in the core positions will former Ehug player Justin ‘jk’ Rosselle and popular Romanian streamer and high ranked pub player Mihai ‘canceL^^’ Antonio. jk’s huge 1 position hero pool and experience in strategies that are not typically ‘compLexity’ will bring a new element of strength to our roster. Additionally, we expect canceL^^’s youthful confidence, quick reactions, and deadly position 2 play to capture the attention of fans around the world, as he develops into one of the game’s best playmakers.
coL.Dota captain Kyle ‘melonzz’ Freedman had this to say:
“My excitement about this roster is bittersweet. On one hand, I'm hyped for the new season - I've got Moo, who's been through the fire and hung out with our team all year round (shout out to China), along with two players with little to no real experience but a wealth of talent, and most importantly, drive and hunger to win.
However, we all know the failure that brought this change to the team. I will never forget TI6, and I doubt my ex-teammates will either. Limmp, Chessie, Handsken, it was an honor to play this year with you, my friends. The ending to our story sucked, but damn we had a lot of fun this year. To our fans: the goal hasn’t changed.”
The new coL.Dota mid player Mihai ‘canceL^^” Antonio commented:
“I’m very happy to announce that I will be part of compLexity this season. I feel pretty confident with my new teammates and I want to qualify for every major tournament! I will play position 2 for coL.Dota, which is a big opportunity for me. I hope for the best!”
compLexity General Manager Kyle ‘Beef’ Bautista added:
“We had a great 10 month run last season, but unfortunately most of what will be remembered was our performance at TI6. Less resilient players would have trouble continuing after that disappointment, but Kyle and Zak picked themselves back up, picked up our good friend Moo, and found some incredible young talent to fill the ranks. Moo and jk will be heading out to our Florida house this week, while we begin working on a P-1A athletic visa for Mihai. I am expecting great things from this team, and I hope that our fans will join me in cheering them on all season. Oh, yeah, Kyle changed his name again, woo.”
Thank you for your continued support of compLexity Gaming and coL.Dota.