coL.NaDa vs coL.Academy Tonight


Matches start at 8 minutes.

The compLexity Academy ("CA") is thrilled to announce a special show match series that will take place next Tuesday, April 24 at 9:00 PM EST.

coL.SC2's Lee "NaDa" Yoon Yeol will play the Academy in a best of seven series for $200.00. If NaDa wins, he will take the prize pot. If CA wins, the four players who defeated NaDa will each earn $50.00.

We're excited to present this show match and hope to deliver other such events in an effort to showcase some of America's best up-and-coming talent.

You can watch the event on our page here.

You can follow the coL Academy on its own sub-site here.

Thanks as always for your support!

Relevant links:

NaDa Twitter
coL Twitter
coL Facebook
coL YouTube

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