coL Pub Night Returns!

compLexity Gaming, in partnership with Fame Servers, would like to announce the return of the compLexity Pub Night! The event is planned to take place this Sunday night (August 09, 2009) at 8:00pm EST!

This is your chance to test your skill against both world-class compLexity CS teams, as well as some other familiar compLexity faces on the high performance servers brought to you by Fame.

How It Works

Throughout the night, coL.cs and will be joining the compLexity Public Deathmatch Servers sponsored by Fame Networks to play against the fans. Using our Public Servers page, you can join the server of your choice, as well as see who is in which server before you join it. coL Players and staff usernames will show up in red to alert you of their presence.

It is your job to join the server as quickly as possible in order to secure your spot in the server.

Don't forget to put your SteamID in your profile!

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