coL.qxc: "I want Koreans to fear me."

Kevin "qxc" Riley is currently in Katowice, Poland as one of the Intel Extreme Masters Katowice analysts. The event isn't for a couple of days, with the Open Bracket starting on January 17th. He will be at the analyst desk alongside the Protoss Frenchman, Yoan "ToD" Merlo. You can find further information about the IEM Katowice event HERE.

What a way to start off the new year, how does it feel to be back in Europe, this time as an analyst?

I was pretty disappointed when I narrowly didn't qualify for this event, but am happy that I was able to make it out even if in a different capacity.

Not as many big names as the usual MLG or DreamHack, but who are you most looking forward to seei
ng play at the event?

I'm very interested to see all the Terrans play at this event. They may be few, but they are fearsome so it should be quite a good experience to watch and learn.


Any predictions for the group stages? Could you see any crazy upsets happening?

Terran always wins. Then Zerg. But seriously.

A: Snute, Grubby
B: PartinG, Lucifron
C: Yoda, Nerchio
D: Vortix, Kas

These predictions may seem odd with only a couple of Koreans here, but besides PartinG they are either mostly untested or relatively inconsistent. With them being foreigners in a foreign country and four from three different teams I expect some amount of 'home' advantage for the Europeans.

SKT1's newest signing, PartinG looks like the favorite to take IEM Katowice, is he yours? If not, who are your personal favorites for this event?

My favorites to win the event are: Yoda, Kas, Lucifron and Dream in no particular order. I leave it up to the reader to figure out why.

Viewers have heard a little about your thoughts on game balance with Fixing the Game. How do you feel about the balance of Wings of Liberty?

The balance in WoL seems pretty good right now except for possibly some issues in ZvT regarding hive tech, remaxing, production mechanics, tech switching and infestors. Perhaps none of these are really balance issues, but combined they seem to be one of the main reasons I see Terrans losing across the board. Fortunately or not, it won't matter for too much longer how balanced WoL really is.

And even though you're probably planning something for the next episode of Fixing the Game, in a few short words - how do feel about Heart of the Swarm's current state?

HoTS has great potential. I hope that Blizzard continues to improve on what they've done so far and keep pushing and modifying. Recent patches have introduced some pretty unique and interesting concepts that with a little more tuning could really improve the game as a whole.
Planning to bring anything special to the analyst desk?

Just me. My humor and my knowledge will combine into some sort of terrific Tiger based analysis.

The compLexity team house recently closed down. How do you feel about your time there with your teammates? Any memories you'd like to share with the community?

I had a good time when the team was there. We had a lot of fun doing various activities and I miss the experience. I know there's some good goswser stories to be told, but I am blanking at the moment. Perhaps if I remember on the cast and we have time, I'll tell one.

Do you have any specific goals for 2013?

In the early part of this year I would like to emerge as the top American player. Through the middle the top foreigner and somewhere around the later stages I want Koreans to fear me.

Last but least, any shoutouts?

Thanks to everyone who have supported me. This life is not possible without you guys. Be sure to stay tuned for my next episode of Fixing the Game: HoTS Edition coming soon. Also huge thanks to all the compLexity sponsors: Sound Blaster, QPAD, PNY, Creative, Origin, and G8.

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