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The Syndicate is excited to announce that we have returned to Team Fortress 2. With ESEA’s announcement of LAN finals and the continued support of a solid fan base, TF2 will be a strong game in 2010. As always, our goal is to support eSports in North America and deliver championship caliber squads to the coL Community. Along those lines we are pleased to announce that we have acquired the top team in North America: the squad formerly known as Loaded.TF2.
After parting with our former squad, we decided to wait and evaluate the scene before picking up a new team. The former loaded team seemed to not only be the most skilled, but also one of the most stable teams in the community. After discussions with both the team and the loaded organization, Complexity purchased their contracts. We would like to welcome them to the syndicate as they continue to dominate under the Complexity flag.
Roster: Brad “Pure” Ross
Manny “SoLID SnaKE” Sy
Carl “enigma” Yangsheng
Daniel “Carnage” Sturdivant
Kyle “relic” Mims
Michael “Jaeger” Marcin
Mithun “animeman” Balachandran
Evan “glue” Aschow
Accompanying our new squad will be the quality coverage you’ve come to expect from our staff. Welcome the new guys and prepare for more TF2 titles!