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Tonight we saw compLexity's new Team Fortress 2 team start off good on cp_granary as the score came down to 5-1 against Pandemic. Team Pandemic wasn't as strong as we all thought they would be on granary but they made a surprising come back cp_badlands as the score came down to 4-3 in favor of compLexity. Remember 2 out of 3 best wins and compLexity proved it tonight against Pandemic. What an amazing match tonight. Pandemic played their hearts out tonight and gave it everything they had. Good game to Pandemic and congratulations to the boys in bringing home compLexity's first TF2 championship!
Team Demos: HERE
oPlaiD's Demo: HERE
We have also created a new TF2 sig for you all to use:
Tonight compLexity.tf2 takes on Team Pandemic for the GotFrag's Invitational Tournament finals. compLexity will be coming into this match after losing to a team (formerly known as Sway Gaming) as the final score comes down to 5-3. The new coL.TF2 are very strong on maps such as badlands and gravelpit. Pandemic's new tf2 team (formerly known as iDemise) are one of the few tf2 teams that are still together since the launch of Team Fortress 2 back in October 2007. These two teams are anxious to get their hands on the final prize and everyone is expecting these two teams to give it all out from demo spamming, scout rushing and spy zapin my sentry action! The match is set to go live at 10:30est and will be taking place on three maps (badlands, granary and gravelpit) best 2 out of 3 wins all. As usual we will be running a scorebot in #compLexity and SourceTV information will be posted on the site and in the channel. Keep it locked to for updates on the match!