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Today, the Syndicate gears up for a weekend of non-stop action as coL.cs heads to Dallas, TX for the ESEA Finals at Lethal Gamers. coL.WoW and coL.Madden's Len "Dynasty" Green will be heading to Anaheim, California for the MLG Anaheim Pro Circuit.
Alex "JaX" Conroy will be joining the CS squad in Dallas along with Andrew "aMies" Miesner in order to bring live coverage of this weekends action. In Anaheim, the teams are joined by Jason "1" Lake, Jason "Anomoly" Bass, Scott "Popcorn" Ford and Shahrad "IndependenT" Shahseta who will be providing full coverage of all three coL team's in attendence.
We wish the best to everyone travelling today and good luck at their respective tournaments! As always, stay tuned to the site for LIVE coverage of this weekends events!