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Today kicks off the World of Warcraft matches at the MLG Columbus event. The matches don't go live until 7PM EST. You can view the match schedule for all of tonights matches here. The live stream for all matches will start roughly at 6PM EST. Our boys kick off their first match tonight at 7PM. If you are at the event be sure to look out for us with our new G8Brand clothing. "Game with Passion", you can't miss us! You can follow the WoW team's progress with the melee's below.
Live Stream
Day 1 Gallery
Day 2 Gallery
Gotfrag compLexity vs. Fnatic Preview
Video: coL.WoW Pre-Tournament Interview
Video: coL.WoW @ Columbus Day 2
Video: coL.WoW vs Gravitas
Video: coL.WoW Pre-Pandemic Interview
Video: coL.WoW vs EG
Video: coL.WoW vs Pandemic
< Ensidia (1-3)
< SK (1-3)
> fnatic (3-0)
< eMg (0-3)
< Ensidia (1-3)
> SK (3-2)
> Gravitas (3-0)
> EG (3-1)
> Pandemic (3-1)
Stay tuned for galleries, blogs, videos and more LIVE from the event!
MLG Columbus Live Blog