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Today we have a handful of compLexity members from the staff and players headed to Columbus, Ohio. The World of Warcraft team will be participating in the first MLG Pro Circuit stop to feature the game. Along with our WoW team, Scott "Popcorn1" Ford and myself, Nick "JetBlk" Shaw, will also be going to Ohio to provide you with videos, blogs, and galleries of the players and event.
One of the nice things about having staff live at such a big event is live updates. Scott and I will be posting live updates about the WoW team during their matches along with other happenings at MLG via our Twitters. We will be keeping these updates separate from the coL.WoW specific updates via the compLexityLive Twitter. To follow these updates you can follow me by clicking here and Scott by clicking here.
Stay tuned for coverage of our WoW team from Columbus, Ohio!