compLexity Adds Clash Royale

Today compLexity is happy to announce our venture into a rising esport title and the addition of a very talented player. We are proud to reveal that we are entering Clash Royale, with the signing of Colton "Coltonw83" Wall!

Colton began playing Clash Royale roughly one month after the game was released while in his senior year of high school in the Dallas, Texas area. He then moved to California where he decided to attend the King’s Cup tournament where he ended up placing 2nd, taking home $10,000. Since then he has been playing, streaming, coaching, and making Clash Royale videos full time. Colton’s accomplishments include 2nd Place Kings Cup, CRNAO Finalist, 1st Place Gamergy Masters, Top-10 CCGS NA, 1st Place CCGS Invitational, Top-16 CCGS World Final, and Team USA Captain.

"Colton is a player who not only embodies our organizational values of professionalism and class, but also possesses the elite competitive talent and work ethic that our Clash Royale team will become known for. With scouting systems, practice regimens, and state-of-the-art analysis, Complexity Clash Royale will set the standard for hard work and preparation. Having worked with Colton in the past, I know that he will not only thrive in our system, but will be a player who continually raises the bar for what is possible in this game, and will selflessly help his teammates do the same. His intensity and commitment to excellence is second to none. I’m very excited to have him on my team again, and to build a championship-caliber environment alongside him."

- Matt Rutledge, Director of Mobile Gaming


Join us in welcoming Colton and compLexity Clash Royale!

@compLexity | compLexityGaming | compLexityGaming

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