compLexity & Chad "Minigun" Jones Part Ways

Today compLexity is announcing the departure of our friend Chad "Minigun" Jones.

Chad joined compLexity in June of 2011 and has contributed greatly to our efforts in StarCraft II. Recently, however, he has decided to step down from professional competitions and no longer desires to attend live eSports events. Thus we have mutually agreed to part ways and we have agreed to release him from his contract early so that he can pursue a more relaxed gaming experience.

We'd like to thank Chad for his loyalty, hard work and dedication. He is a wonderful person and player and we greatly enjoyed having him as part of our gaming family. Chad had the following to say:

Being in complexity was a lot of fun, and made a few new friends. It was a great year and a half, but I am looking to take a step down from competing, at least for a little while. I wish them the best of luck, and please continue to support them after my departure.

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