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The Syndicate is happy to announce that we have produced a new Counter-Strike 1.6 GUI for the coL Community. The compLexity CS 1.6 GUI 2009 is revamped from previous versions and ready for the next year of CS action!
We think you'll really enjoy this version. Bossi (with art help from Jdubya) has produced a feature filled program:
- compLexity background image
- New color scheme
- A coL icon for all ingame windows
- New images for "viewdemo" to fit the installed GUI
- coL spraylogo
- Net Graph Toggle
- Scoreboard with FPS
- Demo Record Toggle
- Multi Screenshot
- Spectator Cam Toggle
- Fast Forward Demo Toggle
- CT Pistol Round Setup
- Common Rifle Setup
- Common Sniper Setup
Thanks to Bossi and Jdubya for our new GUI and thanks for your support!
You can download the file HERE!