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Here at compLexity Gaming, we hold ourselves to a high standard of excellence and push the limits of what is considered to be acceptable eSports Coverage. We are currently looking to expand our staff with eager, self-motivated individuals. We have a number of different openings whether your niche is writing, coverage, file management, or just plugging away necessary tasks.
If you are interested in applying for a staff position, be sure to read the job description and requirements below, and then complete the application at the bottom.
News Writer
You will be posting the latest stories from gaming news, to gaming extras, which can be about a number of different things in the technological world. Work along side talented writers and improve on your writing skills.
Available several hours a week
Strong knowledge of gaming and technology involved
Eye for interesting stories/topics to write news about
Drive to work beyond your basic tasks
Self-motivated to produce quality work
Dedicated, dependable, & friendly
Good communication and ability to work in a team
Fluent in written English
Past experience working for an eSports site*
Basic HTML knowledge**
Feature Writer
You will be working on creative features on many different topics and have the freedom to write about what YOU want to. Write about different topics of the eSports and gaming world. Also prepare different previews and reviews to events as well as interviews with some of eSports most prominent figures.
Available several hours a week
Strong knowledge of gaming and technology involved
Drive to work beyond your basic tasks
Self-motivated to produce quality work
Dedicated, dependable, & friendly
Good communication and ability to work in a team
Fluent in written English
Creativity with fresh and exciting topics
Knowledge of interview formatting and conducting.
Past experience working for an eSports site*
Basic HTML knowledge**
It’s match night for the leagues or day 1 of a huge LAN event; your job is to make sure that your assigned melee is live on the site before match day so fans can get the most up-to-date coverage before match time. You will be making sure scores on posts, upcoming matches, and scoreboards are updated, along with providing spectator information.
Available during match nights of top leagues
Must have availability to update coverage once new scores are made public
Strong knowledge of the game and specific league/tournament that you are assigned.
Need to be organized and coordinated of when proper melees are supposed to be live.
Good communication and ability to work in a team
Dedicated, dependable, & friendly
Fluent in English
Basic HTML knowledge**
Product Reviewer
Recieve FREE products and provide an HONEST review on popular technology and shopping sites such as Amazon, Newegg, Dell or Tom's Hardware. Reviews must be thorough and informative.
Fluent in English
Strong knowledge of technology
Good communication and ability to work in a team
Dedicated, dependable, & friendly
Strong knowledge of the review process
Basic HTML knowledge**
*Optional, but past experience will help your application. Include past pieces of work
** Very basic HTML is required for formatting. Most editing is done with a WYSIWYG editor.
Please include the following information with your application.
- Full Name:
- Age:
- Location:
- compLexity Gaming Username:
- Last Completed Education Level:
- Work Experience: (provide links and samples if applicable)
- Amount of time weekly that you can devote to compLexity:
- Why do you want to work for compLexity?
- What sets you apart from everyone else?
Several of the positions above are PAID POSITIONS, meaning you will be compensated for your time and work. Payment can range from free products or travel to events, to a monetary monthly payment. Specific details will be discussed during the interview process.
You can email your application to All applications will be reviewed and will receive a reply if you are accepted to the interview stage. Private Messages via site, IRC, or multiple emails will not increase your chances of being accepted. Please allow 7 days to hear back from us. Thanks for your interest!