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Today we're proud to announce a new partnership, and a not so traditional one for our organization. Please welcome to the compLexity family, FYM Hot Sauce!
Keyboards, headsets, energy drinks, and even sleek chairs. They're all things that through Esports have become synonymous with gaming. Our partnership aims to assist FYM in not only establishing themselves as a premier brand in the kitchen, but one that is known for their support of gamers and the Esports industry. FYM Hot Sauce is still fresh (like their ingredients!) to the eSports scene, but we're excited to help them navigate the waters and expand their reach within gaming culture.
"Before I ever met Dane - FYM's creator - I saw his product on the front page of Reddit. It was clear he had a passion for his product, and that got me excited too. Months later I see him on Reddit again, talking about Esports sponsorships and shitposting about my Dota 2 captain, Kyle 'Melonzz' Freedman. I think to myself, who the heck is this guy? He gets it! I spoke to Dane for the first time later that day, and after sampling the product he was so passionate about, we were sold. I cannot be more excited to work with someone who not only supports the Esports industry, but truly buys into the players and the community that make it great. Spicy memes and spicy hotsauce, I'm proud to be working with FYM."
-Kyle Bautista, General Manager - @coL_Beef
"As the team chef, my main focus is the health of our players. The fast paced lifestyle of gamers can sometimes make it hard to eat nutritiously. Healthy, fast, flavorful. It's hard to hit all three. We've always used hot sauce to add flavor to our meals, so I love that we're now partnering with FYM Hot Sauce. We're huge fans of the new beer based sauces that will be coming out soon!"
-Josh "Chef Josh" Schmidt, Team Chef and coL.Dota Manager - @Not_Schmidty
Check out the brand new FYM website and pick up some FYM Hotsauce for 10% off with code 'COL'. And don't worry our friends across the pond, quick and affordable shipping is coming very soon!
Welcome to the familia, FYM!