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Today compLexity is announcing the departure of our Heroes of the Storm Team. Since early 2015 we have supported our Heroes of the Storm division through successful events and painful losses. Unfortunately, following the conclusion of the 2015 Heroes World Championship, individual players have lost motivation, and are now looking to pursue other endeavors.
compLexity General Manager Kyle Bautista had this to say:
“We have thoroughly enjoyed our time with the coL.Heroes squad. Watching them compete on the big stage in Vegas was personally one of the highlights of my year. Unfortunately, as the year drew to a close the team was lacking the drive that is necessary to produce championships. After lengthy discussions we agreed with the team that it was best to part ways and wish them the best of luck in this game, or the next.
As for our involvement in Heroes of the Storm, it is certainly a game we’re keeping our eye on. We’re hoping that Blizzard has big things in store for 2016, and we’re excited to enter the Nexus again, when the time is right.”
compLexity Gaming Coach and Manager Josh ‘Rawrjar’ Kofalt commented with the following:
“"Our time with compLexity Gaming has been a fantastic experience. I truly appreciate the support they had for us. I have great memories to look back on, especially our run at Americas Championship. Thank you for the opportunity to prove ourselves."
During their time here, coL.Heroes accomplished great feats such as 1st place in the MLG Titan Arena 1, 3rd place Heroes Americas Championship 2015, and 1st place in WCA America 2015 Heroes Open. We thank Josh, Ben, David, Drew, and Phillip for their dedication as members of compLexity.