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March Madness is back at your home for gaming contests and prizes!
The Syndicate is thrilled to announce the return of our annual March Madness Contest. This year Creative is the sponsor and has an amazing prize for the top 3 competitors (sorted by points)! Each winner will have the option to select any prize from the Creative CompLexity Product Page.
Once again, we're running our event on Yahoo.
Here's how to enter:
Visit our bracket HERE and fill it out! It's that easy. Yahoo will determine the winner. If there is a tie for any reason, we will have Creative randomly pick a winner.
When you enter, reply to this thread with your Yahoo Username.
Choose your prize from the Creative CompLexity Product Page and include your choice in your reply.
Hurry to enter! The brackets close soon and March Madness 2010 begins!
Best of luck to everyone and thanks again to Creative for supporting the coL Community!
(1 entry per registered user. Complexity players and staff can participate but can not win. If a Complexity person wins, the next person down will receive the prize. Post your bracket in this thread so we know who you are. The winner will recieve the product of their choice, as provided by them in their entry post.)