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As we've mentioned before, Ryan from Creative is not only our friend and sponsor, he's a big fan of the coL Community. In his most recent blog he has invited you to follow his Twitter and win some great prizes. Here's the post:
Ladieeeees and Gentlemen....
On this Friday the 20th of March, I humbly introduce to you all a bit of insanity if you will.
I Ryan Schlieper AkA DigitalRonyn (or DigitalRonin) being of semi-sound mind am starting the Ronyn Trivia Twitter.
What does this mean?
Well step right up kiddies into my tent and I'll drop some knowledge on ya.
So here's the deal. Sometime during every week..maybe once..maybe twice or even perhaps an absolute mind-boggling 3 times I'll drop a tweet on my Twitter account asking for a random task. It might be some Creative-based might be a simple task easily performed by web wandering gamezors such as yourselves!
In the tweet will be the terms and the PRIZE you win if you meet those terms.
We're talking a full assortment of giveaways here folks...Soundcards, headsets, speakers, MP3 players, Vados...etc.
All you gotta do is follow me on Twitter and answer the call when it comes.
DigitalRonyn is my handle there. And you might even find my other tweets useful as well since I'll be talking about the latest product developments and gaming news in general and linking to content we're generating back in the labs.
Sound good? Keep in mind most of this stuff will be somewhat of a time-sensitive nature..and some will be Creative in nature (pun fully intended), but everyone can be a winnah!
Happy tweeting and I'll see you there soon!
We encourage everyone to sign up for his Twitter HERE and grab some free prizes! ComplexityGaming has always been your #1 source for eSports contests, but in 2009 we're going to defy the recession and blow it out bigger than ever.
Thanks AGAIN to Ryan and Creative for including the coL Community in their giveaways, and thanks to you for your support!
When you need gaming gear, be sure to buy only the best: CREATIVE!
Subscribe to Ryan's Twitter HERE.
Subscribe to the compLexity Twitter HERE. (Soon we'll have Twitter exclusive contests as well!)